Наталия Гриценко, флорист и невероятно сильный духом человек.
«I don’t watch videos or pictures. I only quickly scroll through the news from the Ukrainian media feed in my Telegram… Since otherwise I will be full of hatred. I act like a deaf-mute person, because I am, like millions of others, the rear of Ukraine! The rear must be strong, emotionless, effective, and reliable! When the war is over, I will fill buckets with my teardrops… I will abundantly water the ground with them and plant flowers… In the meantime, I continue to raise funds, because tomorrow I must buy 20 life-vests and I still need ₴90k. PLEASE HELP, and only then… Mono 5375 4141 0452 1074, PayPal artemcrypta@gmail.com»